Monday, September 15, 2008

a day in the life

we all wake up around 7:30am to eat breakfast and do whatever before we start working at 8. breakfast usually consists of a grainy/fruity cold cereal, a glass of oj, and a cup of coffee. around 8 we head out to the garden and start weeding in an area that ana or juampa likely told us about the evening before. actually, i´m starting with picking the seeds off asparagus tomorrow. anyway, weeding could be for the entire day, but usually there are different odds and ends jobs that involve juampa or ana. it sounds like a like a lot of grunt work, which i suppose it is, but before/white/before we do whatever we´re set out to do during the day, juampa or ana will tell us more about whatever we´re doing it for, how it effects the plants, and that sort of thing. so it´s much more than "those onions need weeding. get to it." so then at 2pm we stop and figure out what we´re going to eat for lunch. most of the days, maybe all, we heat bread and cheese, with some sort of raw or cooked vegetable mixture. sidenote: the mornings are cool enough to definitely have a pair of pants with the possibly 2 layers of long sleeve shirts. afternoons usually hit 85-90 degrees, and then we´re back to long sleeves and pants in the evenings. and the sun has been out every day since arriving. aaaaanyway, after lunch, showers happen, and then the afternoon of whatever.

there aren´t a whole lot of options, really. and greg (brother), before you say, "rough life, dude." ...i know, okay. i´ve spent a lot of time in the hammock reading, taking afternoon siestas, and just hanging out/chatting with the other wwoofers. and then maybe we´ll wonder around the 2 pieces of land, checking out the animals or see what juampa and ana are up to. i´ve ventured into aranjuez (pronounced arran-queth) 3 times to just walk around and check out the scene, and/or get online. it´s only about 5km, so it´s an easy bike ride.

then it´s the evening and we figure out who is going to cook what for supper. we´ve (the wwoofers) eaten with juampa and ana once, but normally it´s just us wwoofers cooking for ourselves. supper can go on for quite a while, so depending on what time it is we either got to bed or read/talk/whatever.

and then we repeat. although now, the number of wwoofers has gone from a forcing-me-into-a-tent-for-a-few-days 5 to only one other and myself. wednesday will bring the number from 2 to just me. so then i suppose you can substitute "we" with "i" if you want to know what i´ll be doing later in the week. i hear more wwoofers are on the way...

1 comment:

Ashley said...

"rough life, dude". love, ash.