Monday, September 22, 2008

aranjuez to conil

that´s right, i´m leaving aranjuez on wednesday and heading south to conil. the original plan was to stay in aranjuez until the end of the month, but after receiving an email from the hosts in conil wanting me to come a week early, i decided to go with it.

as my day was described last week, this past week was about the same. i mentioned it was "i" after wednesday when i was the sole wwoofer. and then last night two women from canada showed up. ...i didn´t realize how nice it was having the whole house to myself until i didn´t have it anymore. but anyway, they´re cool people and i only have another day or work before i take off.

but the real story of the week comes from an unexpected tuesday. i had been told that ana´s mom and aunt were going to make paella, but i had no idea it was going to be an all day event of extended family, friends, and whatnot. i was expecting us to eat somewhere around 8:30-9pm, in spanish fashion, and then ana´s mom and aunt showed up around 11am to get things rolling. i´m not even going to try and list everything that was peeled, cut, and added to the bubbling pot of goodness over the fire (go to wikipedia for a complete description), but after several hours (we ate around 3pm) of cooking we sat down to a table of about 20 and ate to our heart´s content. it was a beautiful thing. and then an extended siesta on the grass wherever there was shade happened next. but no that didn´t wrap things up. after we had all recovered from an afternoon nap, there were leftovers to be had. so we ate again, almost all 20 of us. and that pretty much ended us all.

ana´s aunt


the meal

the aftermath

tip of the week: don´t fix your itchy contact with hands that have just finished cutting a chili pepper.


Anonymous said...

I am so jealous!! I want paella!! When I was in Mallorca,Spain the paella no so good, I think the Germans had to much of an infuence:) It's fun to read about your green thumbin!!:)

Unknown said...

Hey man,
Sounds excellent! Hope things keep going well