Saturday, October 4, 2008

day in conil

it's almost been two weeks since i arrived at casa luz in conil. and after that amount of time i feel like i've got a pretty good handle on the schedule. let's see...

7:42 am
my alarm sounds, which means it's time to throw on a hat, some warms clothes, and the feeding of the cats and dogs begins. that's right, we (the wwoofers) wake up before our hosts to feed the 7 cats and the 2 dogs, and then take the dogs on a short walk.

8:05 am
we're back from the walk with the dogs and it's time for coffee. so we sit around with jackie (host #1) for about a half hour talking about who-knows-what, drinking coffee or tea, watch the BBC morning show, and jackie goes through the work for the day.

8:45-ish am
coffee/tea might run over a 15 minutes, and it might just make it to 9 until everything is said and done. so then i head to the garage to put on my work clothes, complete with knee-high rubber boots. by 9 at the earlies i'm working. work could be anything from: weeding (surprising) around the lemon/orange trees, stacking wood, cleaning the title floor in the host's bathroom, planting califlower, picking veggies for their CSA-type thing, spraying various plants, weeding the yard, shoveling manure, getting beds ready for planting, digging holes, and lots of little random home maintenence type work that hasn't nothing to do with organic farming/gardening.

10 am
breakfast. i can only speak for my breakfast, but this is what is looks like. a cup of coffee, orange juice, cereal with yogurt on top, toast (with olive oil, tomatoes, cheese on it), fruit, and then maybe another piece of toast arranged the same way. some days will have eggs to go on the toast and maybe something i don't even know about.

10:45 am
work, as described above. and something that i think is a bit odd is that neither jackie or richard work/help with their organic "farm." richard works overseas 6 months a year, so when he comes back (from the looks of it) he does yard and house work that has been neglected while he was gone. jackie: i did see in the garden one time -- for about 25 minutes as she told us how to plant seeds from a packet, after reading the instructions off the back... the work enviornment is more of a "we need to plant onions today." ...and then we do it.

2 pm
lunch. jackie is a great cook, and i mean great. she and rich have lived and traveled all over the world so we all (those eating) benefit from her "worldly" cuisine. oh yeah, i forgot to mention something very important. whenever it's time to eat jackie steps outside and rings this handbell as a signal that we can all stop working and come and eat. i've been close enough to catch site of it a few times; it's halarious!

3-ish pm
the kitchen has been cleaned and everyone is about to hit the hay for an afternoon siesta -- the rest of the day is free. this could mean any of a number of things: riding bikes to the beach, going for a run, sitting by the pool, going for a swim, walking around conil, surfing, etc.

8:30 pm

10:30 - 11 pm


garden #1

weekly veggie boxes

the afternoon

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